KCM Trade Signal Centre, powered by the FCA-regulated signal provider Acuity, offers an exceptional trading experience directly on our platform by leveraging the unique insights of expert analysts and advanced artificial intelligence.

Navigate Your Trading with Confidence

Gain unparalleled market insights that enhance your trading decisions.
Our advanced analytics and real-time data empower you with the information needed to make informed decisions.
Navigate the financial markets with confidence and precision using our platform.

Seize Opportunities with Exclusive Trade Concepts

Capitalize on the daily provision of distinctive trade concepts from experts and market professionals

Enhance Your Trading Performance Swiftly

Signal Centre offers tailored trade signals by blending AI with human expertise, providing you with concise analyses and insights to sharpen your trading skills and make informed decisions.

Streamline Your Decision-Making Process

Each trade concept is equipped with clear directives for action (purchase and sale), entry levels, target levels, and stop-loss, enabling prompt and informed responses.

Customize Trade Concepts to Suit Your Preferences

Refine your trade concepts by asset category, analyst conviction, and language to align perfectly with your individual requirements.

Master the market mood by Economic Calendar

This tool can be used on MT4/MT5, providing a visually engaging presentation for all related events. Understand the connections between upcoming releases, current market sentiment and data, and use the rich information to make wise trading decisions.

Command Your Trading Journey

Every trade concept remains viable for no less than 12 hours, granting you ample time for thorough evaluation of its prospects.

Jumpstart Your Trading Now

Step 1

Download MT4/MT5 Plugin

Navigate the financial markets with confidence and precision using our platform.
Step 2


Run the installer, follow the instruction, customise your preferences.
Step 3

Receive Signals

After installing, then restart the MT4/MT5, the Signal Centre and the Economic Calendar will lasted under "Expert Advisors".

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Предупреждение об инвестициях с высоким риском:
Торговля CFD - это инвестиционная стратегия с высоким риском, которая подходит не для каждого инвестора. Прежде чем принять решение об участии, Вы должны тщательно взвесить свои инвестиционные цели, уровень опыта и уровень терпимости к риску.
I Understand