Trade Notice

Indices CFD Swaps Special Adjustment Notice(24 May - 30 May)

May 22, 2024

Dear Clients,

The following table is the information which shows the overnight swaps of the Indices CFD with special adjustment. The changes are caused by ex-dividend of constituent stocks in certain indices on a certain date.


1.   Pips refers to the smallest price movement of Index.

Например, если цена индекса HK50 составляет 28380,8, а наименьшее изменение цены составляет 0,1, то "1 пункт" представляет собой движение цены на 0,1.

2.   The swaps will be calculated at the end of day, which is at 00:00platform time. Clients are advised to closely monitor your open positions andmaintain sufficient margin for the special overnight indices’ swaps charged.

3.   The values provided are received from liquidity providers (LP) andare subject to omissions or errors. If there is any change, the final values issubject to the trading platform.

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