Новости Компании

KCM Trade Brings Warmth and Joy to Vietnam's Communities this Lunar New Year

February 15, 2024

Amidst the chilly winter, KCM Trade's commitment to spreading warmth and compassion shines through as the team is gearing up for a charitable mission to the "Ngôi nhà yêu thương" (Loving House) in Hai Phong, Vietnam, on February 8, 2024

"Дом любви" служит убежищем для бездомных, сирот и обедневших студентов, предлагая им бесплатное место для проживания. С момента своего основания в 2018 году это трехэтажное здание служит убежищем для тех, кто сталкивается с трудностями. Первый этаж специально отведен для бездомных и пожилых людей, гарантируя безопасную и комфортную обстановку с отдельными номерами для мужчин и женщин, оснащенными всеми необходимыми удобствами.

KCM Trade's upcoming visit is not just about providing material support; it is about creating lasting memories and spreading joy during the Lunar New Year festivities. The team will bring the spirit of Tet to the residents by distributing red envelopes with lucky money, essential rice supplies, nutritious milk, delightful candies, and traditional Chung cakes.

Anticipation is building for the heartwarming scenes of the elderly's smiles and the children's laughter during the event, underscoring the impact of KCM Trade's commitment to corporate social responsibility. The company's global service provision extends beyond business, reaching into the lives of the less fortunate, making a difference in the communities it serves.

As we approach the cold winter days, KCM Trade remains steadfast in its dedication to bringing warmth and goodwill to those who need it most. The hope is that these upcoming acts of kindness will leave an indelible mark on the hearts of the residents at the "Ngôi nhà yêuthương," fostering confidence and growth for a brighter future. KCM Trade looks forward to continuing its mission of spreading love and positive values to those less fortunate in the years to come.

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