Новости Компании

KCM Trade Гордый спонсор Зимнего бала в Университете Монаша, дающий возможность следующему поколению получить финансовые знания

August 28, 2024

16 августа 2024 года KCM Trade и Ассоциация студентов Гонконгского университета Монаш в Австралии объединили свои усилия для грандиозного мероприятия. Будучи лидером в финансовой индустрии, KCM Trade специально спонсировал Зимний бал Университета Монаш, организованный Ассоциацией студентов Гонконга, чтобы добавить нотку элегантности в это традиционное светское мероприятие. Это спонсорство также было направлено на то, чтобы вдохновить новое поколение на развитие финансовых рынков и воспитать будущих лидеров бизнеса.

Monash University is a prestigious research university renowned in Australia and worldwide. As a founding member of the Group of Eight, it has consistently performed excellently in various international university rankings. At Monash University, the Winter Ball has a long-standing history and is one of the most important annual social events on campus, playing a significant role in campus culture.

Promoting the Financial Industry and Nurturing Future Leaders

KCM Trade has always upheld a corporate spirit of professionalism, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence, aligning perfectly with Monash University's educational philosophy of cultivating future leaders. At this year's Winter Ball, KCM Trade not only served as the special sponsor for the Monash University Hong Kong Student Association, but Jason Lau, the Managing Director of KCM Trade Australia, also attended the event. He engaged with students, sharing insights and exchanging ideas.

Jason Lau, Managing Director of KCM Trade Australia, stated: "We are delighted to have the opportunity to participate in Monash University's long-standing Winter Ball. It’s a pleasure to meet outstanding young people from diverse backgrounds here. We hope our involvement can open the door for students to learn about financial knowledge, benefiting them regardless of whether they pursue a career in this field."

In the future, KCM Trade will continue to seize opportunities to participate in academic activities, enhancing young people's understanding of the financial industry. KCM Trade believes that appropriate exchange activities can spark young people's interest in the financial sector and potentially nurture future industry leaders.

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