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KCM Trade Sponsors ‘Joint University Hong Kong Student Association Winter Ball’ in Melbourne, Australia

August 24, 2023

August 19th, 2023 – A fun-filled event was held in Melbourne Australia, with the Joint University Hong Kong Student Association Winter Ball taking place. The ball, which was proudly sponsored by KCM Trade, took place with ‘A Snowy Serenade’ theme, with the many attendees enjoying a truly memorable evening.

The occasion provided an opportunity for international university students from Hong Kong, as well as those from a Cantonese speaking background or who are interested in Cantonese culture, to enjoy a memorable social evening among friends and new acquaintances. While enjoying the choice selection of food and beverage on offer, the students were treated to an impressive lineup of musical and dance performances throughout the evening which kept everyone entertained.

Однако на этом веселье не закончилось: вечерние мероприятия также включали в себя игру в дартс, розыгрыш призов, призы за столом и популярную фотобудку! А в довершение всего были вручены призы лучшей паре, королю и королеве бала и, наконец, самому нарядному.

KCM Trade was delighted to sponsor such a worthwhile event, and we thank all the attendees as well as the Monash Hong Kong Student Association Clayton (Monash HKSA) and the University of Melbourne Hong Kong Student Association (MUHKSA) for hosting such a fantastic evening.

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