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KCM Trade ‘Trading 101 - Fundamentals of Investment’ Class at the University of Melbourne

August 31, 2023

August, 2023 – Class was back in session at the University of Melbourne! KCM Trade had an educational event for students who were keen to learn more about the basics of trading and financial markets.

Presented by KCM Trade’s Managing Director of Australia, Jason Lau, this insightful ‘Trading 101 – Fundamentals of Investment’ course gave enthusiastic University of Melbourne students the opportunity to learn about a range of topics, including an introduction to the different asset classes like shares, FX, commodities, deposits, and properties.

Additionally, students also learned about the causes and effects of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), with this topic still resonating with today’s students who were keen to understand what transpired during this historically significant incident.

Занятие предоставило студентам потрясающую возможность задать Джейсону вопросы о финансовых рынках, а Джейсон с радостью поделился своим богатым опытом профессионала. Отзывы, полученные нами от многочисленных слушателей, были просто фантастическими, студенты получили множество бесценных знаний о захватывающем мире финансовых рынков.  

As a renowned global financial services provider, KCM Trade is delighted to support educational events such as the ‘Trading 101 – Fundamentals of Investment’ course. A big thanks to all the students for coming along to this engrossing evening and thank you also to the CSA (Cantonese Students Association) and HKSA (Hong Kong Students Association) of the University of Melbourne for assisting in putting on this educational evening.

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