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Kohle Capital Markets Expands its CFD Offering

May 19, 2022

Kohle Capital Markets (KCM) is a global trading broker that has been providing high-quality services to both institutional and individual clients since 2016. 

KCM won the Best ECN/STP Trader Award from Dubai International Magazine in 2020. Won the Best ECN Dealer Award in 2021, the title of the top ten most popular traders selected by users in 2021, and was certified as a 5-star broker and other honorary titles.

At the end of this month, KCM will launch stock CFD trading products! This means people can invest across the globe with over 200+ stocks, covering most of the world's well-known brands, including well-known brands in the technology industry: Apple, Facebook, Google, Alibaba, Amazon, etc. World-renowned car companies such as Tesla, Ford, etc. It also includes more famous brands: Starbucks, Pepsi, McDonald's, Disney, etc.

KCM is committed to providing its customers with trading services that always put their needs first. The company's CFD product will combine the best features from many other already available products, to help traders make profits in the market with a more complete product line and better service.

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