Trade Notice

Markets Marching Higher, US Core PCE Data Closely Watched

March 31, 2023

Рынки, безусловно, не зацикливаются на проблемах банковского сектора, судя по зеленым цифрам, появившимся на мировых биржах в последнее время. В то время как такие банки, как SVB, Credit Suisse и Deutsche Bank(Немецкий банк), доминировали в заголовках газет в последние недели, отсутствие каких-либо других крупных имен, которые бы в последнее время всплывали с кредитными проблемами, успокоило финансовые рынки, которые теперь, похоже, наслаждаются перспективой того, что ФРС приостановит повышение процентных ставок. Таким образом, благодаря отсутствию "плохих новостей" в банковской сфере, рынки в последнее время с удовольствием идут вверх.

Whether the Fed does indeed take a breather when it comes to rates may depend on how tame or otherwise the next Core PCE Price Index comes in at (due Friday US time). It’s no secret that the FOMC watches this particular data set more closely than most when it comes to inflation gauges, and if we see a softer reading here I expect markets would see this is a signal to continue with the risk-on theme (on heightening expectations of a Fed pause on rates).

The USD has been losing steam due to the changing US interest rate picture. Meanwhile a more hawkish outlook from the likes of the ECB is keeping the single currency in good stead against the greenback. The Aussie Dollar has also been able to cash in on the faltering USD by reclaiming the US$0.67c. Whether the AUD can push past resistance at 0.6735 will likely depend on how long the current appetite for risk persists.

Elsewhere, gold remains well-bid with the price of the precious metal supported by the softening USD. Meanwhile the oil price has been having a run higher on supply-side concerns as well as receiving some support due to a restoration of calmness in the broader market.

Overall, it’s likely going to come down to the Core PCE reading to determine whether the current buoyant mood of the markets will carry over to next week. If we happen to see a higher result here, this could upset expectations that the Fed can afford to pause its inflation-fighting rate hike cycle.

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