Dear Valued Customer,
We would like to inform you about the trading arrangements for the financial market holiday.For detailed information, please refer to the tables below:
Financial Market Holiday: Ching Ming Festival in Hong Kong

Financial Market Holiday: Easter

Important Note: The times listed are in GMT+3. In case of anychanges, the trading platform will take precedence.
Financial Market Holiday: Australia Legion Day Holiday

Important Note: The times listed are in GMT+3. In case of anychanges, the trading platform will take precedence.
Thank you for your continuedsupport and trust!
KCM Trade Customer Service Team
Important Reminder: Duringthe holiday period, there may be risks, including insufficient liquidity,widening spreads, and price gaps. Additionally, the market may close earlier oropen later than the stated times. Please ensure you manage your open positionsand maintain sufficient margin in your account to prevent forced liquidationdue to insufficient funds.
Dedicated Customer Support Representative
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